Thigh Lift Overview

We all have areas of our body that stubbornly hold onto fat, and for many people, the inner and outer thighs are prime offenders. Even with a dedicated diet and exercise, achieving the sleek, toned thighs you desire can be a challenge. When minimal excess skin is present, liposuction may be enough to tighten the skin and remove unwanted fat. However, if you’re dealing with significant amounts of loose skin, a formal thigh lift procedure might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Dr. Matthew J. Nykiel, a board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in body contouring, specializes in thigh lift surgery. This transformative procedure aims to remove excess skin and fat, artistically sculpting your thighs into a more youthful shape. Dr. Nykiel’s approach to thigh lifts is similar to his technique for arm lifts, focusing on creating harmonious body proportions and natural-looking results.

If you’re considering a thigh lift or any other body contouring procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nykiel at Butts By Design. During your visit, he’ll discuss all available options and help you determine the best path forward to achieve the beautiful, confident appearance you deserve.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

Also known as thighplasty, a thigh lift is a surgery that reshapes the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure can address issues in both the inner and outer thigh areas, creating smoother skin and more proportionate contours. The goal of a thigh lift is not just to remove excess tissue but to sculpt the entire thigh area for a more aesthetically pleasing and youthful appearance.

In some cases, Dr. Nykiel may recommend a two-stage approach to achieve optimal results. If there’s a significant amount of fat present, the first stage typically involves liposuction to decrease the volume of the thigh. Then, after a healing period of three to six months, the second stage – the thigh lift itself – can be performed. This staged approach allows Dr. Nykiel to achieve the best possible skin tightening and contouring results.

Why Choose a Thigh Lift?

There are several reasons why you might consider a thigh lift. Perhaps you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, but you’re left with loose, sagging skin on your thighs that doesn’t quite reflect your hard work and commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Or maybe you’ve noticed that age and gravity have taken their toll, leaving you with thighs that lack the firmness and shape of your younger years.

For some, excess skin on the thighs isn’t just a cosmetic concern—it can lead to physical discomfort, skin irritation or even interference with daily activities and clothing choices. A thigh lift can address these issues, helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin and expanding your wardrobe options.

Moreover, a thigh lift can be an excellent complement to other body contouring procedures, like a tummy tuck or arm lift, as part of a comprehensive body transformation. This approach can create a more balanced overall appearance.

Am I a Thigh Lift Candidate?

Ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery typically:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Have maintained a stable weight
  • Have skin and fat in the thigh area that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise
  • Have realistic expectations about the procedure’s results
  • Are a non-smoker or are willing to quit for an extended period
  • Are committed to permanently maintaining a healthy lifestyle

A Note From Dr. Nykiel 

During your consultation, I will assess your individual situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your needs and goals. Whether a thigh lift, liposuction or a combination of procedures is right for you depends on your unique anatomy and aesthetic desires.

Please keep in mind that:

  • A thigh lift is not a weight-loss procedure
  • Some scarring is inevitable, though Dr. Nykiel strives to place incisions discreetly
  • If you plan to lose more weight, it’s best to reach your goal before surgery
  • Those with good skin elasticity and primarily fat concerns may be better suited for liposuction

What Are the Treatment Steps for a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a complex procedure that requires careful planning and execution. Dr. Nykiel begins by making incisions in predetermined locations. The pattern and length of these incisions depend on the areas being treated and the extent of the correction needed. For an inner thigh lift, the incision typically starts in the groin area and may extend downward and around to the back of the thigh. For an outer lift, the incision will likely extend from the groin around the hip.

Through these incisions, Dr. Nykiel carefully removes excess skin and fat. He may use liposuction in conjunction with the lift to remove additional fat and further refine the contours of your thighs. The tissue is then reshaped and tightened to create a smoother, more toned appearance.

Once the excess tissue has been removed and the remaining tissue sculpted, Dr. Nykiel closes the incisions with careful attention to minimizing scarring. He uses advanced suturing techniques to ensure the best possible healing and aesthetic outcome.

What Techniques Does Dr. Nykiel Use During a Thigh Lift?

Dr. Nykiel employs various techniques during thigh lift surgery, tailoring his approach to each patient’s unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. 

Medial Thigh Lift

For patients with excess tissue primarily in the inner thigh area, Dr. Nykiel may use a medial thigh lift technique. This involves an incision in the groin crease, which can often be hidden by underwear or swimwear. He will remove excess tissue from the upper part of the inner thigh.

Extended Thigh Lift

When patients require more extensive correction, or when the outer thighs are also a concern, Dr. Nykiel might recommend an extended thigh lift. This technique involves a longer incision that may extend from the groin, around the hip and possibly to the buttock crease. While this approach results in a longer scar, it allows for a more comprehensive reshaping of the entire thigh area.


In cases where patients have good skin elasticity but excess fat, Dr. Nykiel might suggest liposuction either as a standalone procedure or in combination with a lift. Liposuction can be particularly effective for contouring the outer thighs and can sometimes achieve satisfactory results with minimal scarring.

Combination Approach

For patients with a significant amount of excess tissue, Dr. Nykiel often recommends a staged approach. The first stage involves liposuction to reduce the overall volume of the thighs. After a healing period of three to six months, he then performs the thigh lift. This approach allows for optimal skin tightening and can lead to better overall results.

“I love my results. I have to say I have never been more happy with a surgery experience and results. Dr. Nykiel and his staff were very helpful and friendly every step of the way from surgery to the recovery process. I will 100% recommend him and his lovely staff to everyone that is lookin for a place to go to for their procedure.” –Hunter S.

What Anesthesia Is Used During Thigh Lift Surgery?

The procedure for a thigh lift is typically carried out while the patient is under general anesthesia. This means you’ll be completely asleep during the procedure, ensuring your comfort and allowing Dr. Nykiel to work with precision without concern for patient movement.

Anesthesia is administered only by a board-certified anesthesiologist who will continue to monitor your vital signs throughout the entire surgery and to ensure your safety. Before your surgery, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with the anesthesiologist to discuss any concerns you might have. 

What Goes Into the Recovery Process?

Thigh lift recovery is a gradual process that requires patience and careful adherence to post-operative instructions. At Butts By Design, we divide the recovery process into several key categories:

1. Drainage — Small tubes may be placed to drain excess fluid; typically removed within a few days

2. Compression — Wear a compression garment for several weeks to minimize swelling, support your newly contoured thighs and aid in healing

3. Activity Restrictions — Return to work and light activities within 2-3 weeks; avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks

4. Swelling and Bruising — Normal parts of recovery; most subsides within the first few months, but can take up to a year to fully resolve

5. Time Off Work — Plan for 2-3 weeks away from work, depending on your job’s nature and the extent of your surgery

6. Follow-up Appointments — Attend all scheduled check-ins with Dr. Nykiel for the monitoring of your healing progress and to address any concerns

It can take up to a year for all swelling to resolve completely and for your final results to be fully visible. These follow-up appointments are crucial for ensuring you’re recovering as expected and for making any necessary adjustments to your recovery plan.

How Is Pain Managed During Thigh Lift Recovery?

We prioritize your comfort and well-being, which includes effectively managing postoperative pain. Dr. Nykiel has developed a comprehensive pain management protocol that addresses the multifaceted nature of pain, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable recovery experience for our thigh lift patients.

Preoperative Measures

Our approach to pain management begins even before you enter the operating room. Administering pain medications in the preoperative phase significantly enhances post-surgery pain control.

During Surgery

To further minimize discomfort, Dr. Nykiel uses long-acting local anesthetics that help reduce immediate post-operative pain, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Postoperative Protocol

After the procedure, our pain management strategy targets various types of discomfort, from inflammation and nerve-signaled pain to muscular pain and general soreness. Depending on your specific needs, you may be prescribed a combination of the following medications:

  • Gabapentin (Neurontin) – For nerve-related pain 
  • Diazepam (Valium) – For muscular discomfort 
  • Celecoxib (Celebrex) – For inflammation and cellular signaling pain 
  • Hydrocodone (Norco) – For general pain and discomfort 
  • Tylenol – For cellular signaling pain

We also encourage the use of cold compresses and proper positioning to help manage swelling and discomfort. Dr. Nykiel and his team will provide detailed instructions on how to use these non-pharmacological pain management techniques effectively.

With this approach, many of our thigh lift patients describe their postoperative pain as minimal to mild. Remember, your comfort is our priority. If you’re having any issues with pain control during your recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Are There Risks with Thigh Lift Surgery?

We’re committed to ensuring our patients are well-informed about all aspects of plastic surgery, including the potential risks, including:

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Poor wound healing
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Asymmetry or contour irregularities
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Seroma formation (fluid collections)

The skill and experience of your surgeon play a significant role in both the outcome of your surgery and your safety. Dr. Nykiel brings extensive clinical experience and his expertise in body contouring together with state-of-the-art techniques and stringent safety protocols to minimize surgical risks. 

The risk of complications can be further minimized by carefully following all instructions provided by Dr. Nykiel and his team. This includes quitting smoking, maintaining a stable weight and adhering to activity restrictions during the recovery period. 

During your consultation, Dr. Nykiel will discuss any risks. Our goal is to ensure you feel fully informed and very comfortable with your decision to proceed with surgery.

A Note From Dr. Nykiel

Patient safety is one of my foremost priorities. While thigh lift procedures are generally safe, it’s important to understand the potential complications, including the risk of Deep Vein Thromboses, which can be a serious concern in lower body surgeries.

Thigh lift surgery, like any procedure involving the lower extremities, carries a risk of blood clot formation. This clot can potentially travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. However, the risk of this occurring is low with our modern techniques and preventive measures.

To mitigate these risks, we employ several strategies. First, we use compression devices during and after surgery to promote blood circulation in the legs. We also encourage early mobilization post-surgery, as movement helps prevent blood clots from forming. In some cases, depending on the patient’s risk factors, we may recommend blood-thinning medications as an additional precaution.

Moreover, our surgical technique is designed to minimize trauma to the deep tissues and blood vessels, which further reduces the risk of clot formation. We also carefully monitor patients during the immediate postoperative period for any signs of complications.

By combining these preventive measures with our expertise in body contouring procedures, we significantly improve the safety profile of thigh lift surgeries. Your well-being is our top concern throughout the entire process. 

When Will I See the Final Results of My Thigh Lift?

While you’ll notice a difference in the shape of your thighs immediately after surgery, it’s important to understand that your final results will take time to develop. Initially, swelling and bruising will obscure your new contours, and it may take several weeks for this to subside significantly.

Most patients see a marked improvement in the appearance of their thighs within three to six months after surgery. However, it can take up to a year for all residual swelling to resolve and for your scars to fully mature. During this time, you’ll continue to see gradual improvements in the shape and tone of your thighs.

Your scars will also evolve over time. Initially, they may be red or pink and slightly raised. With proper care and time, they typically fade and flatten, becoming less noticeable. Dr. Nykiel will provide you with detailed instructions on scar care to help ensure the best possible outcome.

Is a Thigh Lift Permanent?

A thigh lift can provide long-lasting improvements to the shape and contour of your thighs. The skin and fat removed during the procedure do not return. However, a thigh lift surgery cannot stop the natural aging process or prevent future weight fluctuations from affecting your results.

To maintain your results long-term, it’s crucial to remain at a stable weight. Significant gains can cause the skin to stretch, potentially undoing some of the benefits of your thigh lift. Conversely, significant weight loss might result in new areas of loose skin.

Regular exercise, particularly strength training for your legs, will help maintain and enhance your thigh lift results. Building muscle in your thighs can further improve their shape and tone, complementing the effects of your surgery.

While the aging process will continue, patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle typically enjoy the benefits of their thigh lift for many years. If you notice changes over time that concern you, Dr. Nykiel can discuss options for maintaining or refreshing your results.

Ready for Smoother, More Toned Thighs?

Dr. Nykiel and the Butts By Design team are experts in thigh lift procedures and body contouring. Whether you prefer an in-person visit at one of our locations in Newport Beach or Upland, or a convenient virtual consultation, we’re here to help you look and feel your absolute best. 

Don’t wait to become the best version of yourself. Call 949-416-0038 or schedule your consultation online to get started today!